Fellow-led Reinventing Work Network online event: discussing resistance to change

Fellowship news

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  • Social innovation

The RSA Reinventing Work Network invite you to join their next online meeting: Tuesday October 23rd, 18.30-20.30

Over the last two meetings Reinventing Work Network members have been discussing how resistance to change can show up using a model we described as 'the elephants in the room’. They identified the characteristics of the ‘elephants’ and listed potential ways of countering them. The discussion was still flourishing when people had to leave the room. So, building on the outputs from these sessions, the next event will be an online meeting to continue to explore these issues in greater depth. 

Many of the ideas from the last meeting identified a need to shift cultures and build trust. So in this session we’ll be “Taming the Elephants”, asking how it might be possible to change minds and alter behaviour. The session is free-standing and no knowledge of the previous events is required. All perspectives, interests and experience are equally valid and welcome.

However, if you want to join the meeting on the 23rd and were not at the last two meetings you may find it helpful to take a moment to read the previous output which you can find here: output from the last meeting on 12 September and here output from the previous one on. If you are completely new to the Fellow-led Reinventing Work Network see the Network's Starter Pack .

Join the online discussion by clicking this link from a device with a webcam and headset a few minutes before the start time. You’ll be able to be seen and heard by everyone in the group. If you have not used Zoom before and would like further information please contact [email protected].

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