Help me make a fool of myself


  • Climate change

Thanks to everyone who helped out on my cultural theory challenge yesterday. I am still hoping for a few more replies but so far options 1 and 3 are doing well with options 2 and trailing badly. This is interesting as, arguably, ‘do nothing and wait for the Government to sort it out’ (a combination of 2 and 4) is the majority attitude of the public.

In line with my emerging habit of ‘dress down Friday posts’ I have another request to make. I have long harboured the ambition of doing a stand up comedy routine. It’s not that I want to be a comedian (any more that I inadvertently am already) I’d just love to do it once and see if I could survive.

Anyway, the idea I have for the theme of my ten minutes is strange things that people say. I don’t mean slips of the tongue or malapropisms but things which are perfectly good English just rather odd when you take them apart

My favourite is simply ‘I said to myself’. But who is ‘I’, who is ‘myself’ and who exactly is this conversation between?

The other day I heard another. In a meeting that was in danger of over running, the chairman tried to push the agenda on by saying ‘I am conscious of time’. What is the appropriate response to this? ‘I am aware of space’ perhaps, or ‘I am in touch with the universe’.

So I am on the look out for another three or four of these. The deal is that if I get them I promise at some point to go to a comedy ‘open mic’ night and give it a go. All my blog readers will of course be invited.

Have a good weekend

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