RSA Animate - Drive

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  • Behaviour change
  • Health & wellbeing
  • Social innovation

Daniel Pink provides concrete examples of how intrinsic motivation functions both at home and in the workplace. View a video of Dan Pink's talk at the RSA that inspired this animation. Download a transcript of this video (pdf).

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  • Agreed on the image. Would love to buy and post in my office. Where can I buy it?

  • The problem, sir, is that typically, management does NOT want to "make the world a little bit better".
    "That's the job of foolish dreamers and useful idiots" who "we have to manipulate to maximize profits".
    Management is the art of manipulating idiots with greater skills than you into doing what you want them to do. It's not about getting better results. It's about extracting more out of less. That is the epitome of management.

    /End Sarcasm.

    We need the system as a whole to educate people that amassing currency will not make life fulfilling, and that material pleasure is not the ultimate aim of life. But various religious, spiritual, philosophical and social geniuses have failed repeatedly at educating a section of the population in this regard - the very section that holds the aces.
    So good luck to one more honest endeavor, but I'm not sure it will work on people bred on the belief of superiority of manipulative intelligence. It is simply too tempting to the bestial ego to resist.

  • Is there any way to get the picture drawn by RSA Animate? I would love to put this across the plotter and put it up at work as a reminder? Happy to purchase it but from where?

  • What a brilliant piece of work - and how relevant to the discussioon over on the Fellowship site, about starting an RSA social entrepreneur network.
    Dan's work suggest's money is not the best incentive once people have a decent wage: good news for social enterprise where there is likely to be a strong purpose, and there is scope for mastery and autonomy. But there are issues of how to sustain that effort, and how founders can move on to the risk of another career without much in the way of personal assets. Context, as ever, is important.

  • This is great authentic work. It summarizes exactly what we're up to at Step up and Lead. check it out @theRSAorg RSA Animate – Drive