RSA Animate - Drive

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  • Behaviour change
  • Health & wellbeing
  • Social innovation

Daniel Pink provides concrete examples of how intrinsic motivation functions both at home and in the workplace. View a video of Dan Pink's talk at the RSA that inspired this animation. Download a transcript of this video (pdf).

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  • Quite convincing at first glance - nicely presented. But one needs to look below the covers. The study fails to take into account individual personalities that play a huge part in what motivates an employee. From my experience, there is a factor of self-motivation that plays a huge part - employees that remain motivated in almost any situation. Ultimately, what motivates is perceived fairness. Fairness in salaries, fairness in how you appraise and employee - employee must feel that the management is being fair to them. As long as they feel that they will stay motivated.

  • Women in Madurai don't dress the way this illustration seems to indicate.(See video 3:54)

    How do they dress? Well, go to google images and type in "madurai woman". See, no head covering, and no salwar kameez. They wear sarees.

    If you talked about an iPad in your video and showed me a blackberry as illustration, I would come to the same conclusion - that maybe you're not a very thorough person...

  • I think i tend to agree with Daniel. I work in a multi national company where profits are supreme. But in their race to make profits the purpose behind organizational goals have been lost. This has begun to show on the quality of the products delivered and their treatment of employees. Very much agree with what he says

  • PEOPLE.......INDIVIDUALLY.......DO make the difference!!! IT IS JUST THAT SIMPLE..........AND....Daniel GETS IT........the science PROVES IT!!!!!!
    Hanging on loosely, as a management principle, really is a driver allowing proud people to be the only key "building" block.
    Thanx for paying this forward in such a meaningful way Daniel!
    Dave Gregory Partner - Brand Insights Group (Calgary)

  • Fantastic animation and challenges traditional approaches to rewarding. Will be good to see detailed study on this. We can also learn from how a child is motivated, very small things like a color band or sticker motivates my child to complete her homework(good she doesnt yet know what $ means;-)), so there has to be an individual pattern associated with rewarding, its not just $$$$. My husband would be very delighted if you give him books as a gift coupon because he is an inherent quizzer. Also top performers in teams have consistent record, they anyways perform well because they just love what they do and they have higher cognitive skills. However I agree on observations on one day autonomy (have observed similar things on innovation days).