RSA Animate - Drive

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  • Behaviour change
  • Health & wellbeing
  • Social innovation

Daniel Pink provides concrete examples of how intrinsic motivation functions both at home and in the workplace. View a video of Dan Pink's talk at the RSA that inspired this animation. Download a transcript of this video (pdf).

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  • What inane comments. Why don't you go and read the papers for yourself? The link is given in one of the comments above. As to your rejection of the Stanford prison experiment: incorrect. All participants were tested with a battery of personality tests, and were selected for their "averageness". On top of that, they were randomly divided into prisoners and guards, and fell into distinct types of behaviour dependent on their social role, but also dependent on their personality. Time for you to do some reading (e.g., Zimbardo's "Lucifer Effect"), rather than ignorantly criticize research from your unscientific armchair.

  • Go to, they are selling PDFs of other RSA Animates. I couldn't find this particular speach though but the text says:

    "We are testing out a few things here before we relaunch the site very shortly. The new site will expand on the amount of images that will be available for download, this is just a trial run. Please email us with any suggestions - we look forward to hearing from you."

  • This is great authentic work. It summarizes exactly what we're up to at Step up and Lead.

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