RSA Animate - Empathic Civilisation

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  • Behaviour change


Bestselling author, political adviser and social and ethical prophet Jeremy Rifkin investigates the evolution of empathy and the profound ways that it has shaped our development and our society. View the full video of Jeremy Rifkin's talk at the RSA. Download a transcript of this video (pdf).

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  • Empathetic extension is an interesting topic, it seems to me there is a curious dynamic and interplay though between tribalism, theological consciousness and the nation state. For example, the identity of a secular state may negate the theological consciousness or indeed it may amplify such in ‘minority communities’. The ‘empathic embrace’ created by Social Media is clearly a very interesting phenomenon and extends that which we have understood to be generated through traditional media.

  • Brilliant! Your observations are borne out on the New York City subway every day. A side note: the talented Andrew Park would make the illustrations even better if most of the human figures were not just male. Though most likely not intentional, the omission of female figures gives an underlying impression that women are secondary; Mitochondrial Eve notwithstanding. Thank you for your creative and illuminating work.

  • Having just watched the 10 minute animated version I'm now going to invest the 51:45 minutes to watch the entire video. I've been researching this topic and related issues for the past few weeks (more here: and the analysis really, I mean really, resonates. I feel so fortunate to have listened to this information and feel that it helps explain so much of why we are, why we feel, where we came from, where we are heading and how we can begin to support one another to make this world a better place; it also clearly gives technology, once managed and used with better understanding and discipline, a real place in the future of an emphatic society. Thank you Mr Rifkin - Brilliant! (Thanks also to the RSA & Cognitive Media :-)

  • thank you. I have been talking about this need for human growth for a long time. You have done a beautiful job of illustrating these beliefs.

  • Thanks for your suggestion Roel! We have had a lot of queries about posters/prints of our RSAnimates, and I've mentioned the growing demand to Cognitive Media. The fabulous animators are now looking into the possibility of producing a number of these. But as they are a small team, we'll have to give them a little time to set this up. Do check out their website and drop them a line to show interest...