RSA Animate - Empathic Civilisation

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  • Behaviour change


Bestselling author, political adviser and social and ethical prophet Jeremy Rifkin investigates the evolution of empathy and the profound ways that it has shaped our development and our society. View the full video of Jeremy Rifkin's talk at the RSA. Download a transcript of this video (pdf).

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  • How can I listen to an empathetic discussion and not welcome what the RSA as well as Cognitive Media has done here. This is distributed energy in working practice and though we have a long way to go before it has direct impacts to the biosphere and transmutation towards 21st Century thinking, it is one of those small steps that add up to move us all globally forward.


  • fascinating! thanks for taking the time to illustrate this and spread the word. reminded me of a radio lab broadcast i heard a few years ago and glad to have the opportunity to ponder the broader application and impact of empathy.

  • I loved this video and lecture! Thank you Jeremy for your thoughts and insights.

  • Empathic Civilisation is a pie in the sky dream. Not when there are groups that went back in time and think that religious ties should have been the way to go. An altruistic notion is all this is going to be.