RSA Animate - The Secret Powers of Time

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  • Behaviour change
  • Health & wellbeing

Professor Philip Zimbardo conveys how our individual perspectives of time affect our work, health and well-being. Time influences who we are as a person, how we view relationships and how we act in the world. View the full video of Professor Philip Zimbardo's talk at the RSA.

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  • I agree totally with what you are saying about sitting down as a family. I was watching my 2 nephews and I made them mac and cheese for dinner. I sat down at they table and ate with them. They asked me, "You're sitting at the table with us?" I was shocked. Why would they ask something like that? That's when it hit me that this IS a changing world. Parents don't sit down with their children. They don't discuss their days anymore. They don't know what's going on with their lives. I also feel that this is part of the teenage pregnancy problem as well. Parents "don't have time" for their children anymore and are always running around using up every second of their lives, sacrificing the really important things in life.

  • You need to make a DVD compilation of all the animated lectures. It would sell.
    They are wonderful.

  • That was the longest sentence ever, Daniel...

  • Dear Sir, please i am very happy to tell you this, please since time i recieved the,(C.D) about 21century tiger the video and after watching it, i found your email adress and from that time i am learning from you and i saw that all the good ways,you had given and all what i am doing now is i wont to read all what you had sent to me and do what you really wont me to do,please i dont have anything different to tell,please my concerned about The secret power of time i dicided to fill my email adress in the space, please my understanding of it has not made me clear of it that is why i started fill in the space i couldnt finish because what i am going on i dont understand,please the time i began to fill The secret power of time my understanding was that i will reciev the secret power of time i would use for my daily life how i can manage my daily time to do all my work of the day,But now i have understood that is a comment tha is in mind you will tell to help the work, but now i dont have anything to tell and now if i have some i would tell you if it is good you will praise me and if it is not good you would direct me to the good so that i am happy that am walking with you, but what i am doing is to learn from you so that from this time i will read and understand carefully before i will fill in everything you will send to me to answer everything.
    thank you very much to remind me on what to do in my inbox.