RSA Animate – Crisis of Capitalism

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  • Social enterprise
  • Behaviour change

In this short RSA Animate, radical sociologist David Harvey asks if it is time to look beyond capitalism, towards a new social order that would allow us to live within a system that could be responsible, just and humane. View his full lecture at the RSA. Download a transcript of this video (pdf).

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  • Um, by humanism, what definition do you mean in this context? Wiki definition #4 "A secular ideology which espouses reason, ethics, and justice, whilst specifically rejecting supernatural and religious dogma as a basis of morality and decision-making." Or #3 "A variety of perspectives in philosophy and social science which affirm some notion of 'human nature' (by contrast with anti-humanism)?" I don't see how the secular humanist measure of morality is more relativist than Church morality Especially in practice.

  • This is the weakest RSA Animate of them all and filled with flawed data that does a disservice to its audience. Too bad.

  • I agree with what he tries to explain. Technology where kids learn to use a remote before they learn to walk and talk. Those same kids have now ADHA because the frontal lobe never developed consistently, early developmental interruptions, neglect, physical abuse, separation due to divorce all this develops the early-young brain, many 13-14 year olds have no capacity for empathy no capacity for LOVE, takes no guidance from adults therefore education never happens. Addiction is when, your frontal lobe, poor impulse behavior, misses out on a functional behavior development, thanks this is very helpful working with children who need to know.

  • The Harvey animation is brilliant. But who did the drawings? You should credit him/her, at least.
    I just showed it to the students occupying UCL, as a preamble to a lecture of my own. As usual it went over very well indeed.

  • You are confused.
    Marx is the gunpowder. You can either use it to mine for facts or use it to blow up hospitals.
    Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Totalitarianism is not the necessary consequence of Marxist theory any more than the invention of gunpowder will lead to war.
    Try to use your brain.