RSA Animate - 21st century enlightenment

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  • Behaviour change
  • Cognition
  • Social innovation


Matthew Taylor explores the meaning of 21st century enlightenment, how the idea might help us meet the challenges we face today, and the role that can be played by organisations such as the RSA. View Matthew Taylor's lecture at the RSA

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  • You do realize that you advocate for abandoning Freedom?!

  • These animations are not lectures, but speeches designed to inspire discussion, which it has successfully done. Perhaps you were looking too hard for something. I think the animation was more about direction rather than a way of getting to a certain point.

  • Actually there was a woman in this animation on the platform of "progress."

  • Very right! We are more socially embedded than we often think we are. And we are more dependent of each other, WE ALL!, than we often think. Just remember the so called butterfly effect in chaos theory.
    But I am not sure if truth is the right guidepost to the `new´ enlightenment (did it ever stop?). Because today, I think, we have rethink about the relationship between theory and practice (again). And truth is too theoretical. An orientation on truth forgets our living in the world, it separates or dissociates theory from practice. It forgets that science and scientific thinking is not an end in itself, it is for a better living. And there is no truth without life and living like Matthew Taylor shows us here.