RSA Animate - 21st century enlightenment

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  • Behaviour change
  • Cognition
  • Social innovation


Matthew Taylor explores the meaning of 21st century enlightenment, how the idea might help us meet the challenges we face today, and the role that can be played by organisations such as the RSA. View Matthew Taylor's lecture at the RSA

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  • Thank you for this fantastic animation, Is it possible to get a hint of to create such us animations. Do you have any behind scenes video?


  • Absolutely brilliant. I have been trying to explore a similar train of thought (on and off) at my blog, <http:"">The Connective, but this single animation puts all my efforts thusfar to shame. An incredibly inspiring and important piece of work.

  • I am a big fan of RSAnimate, both for promoting strong talks, but also for 'leveraging' these talks through their animation technique. However, this talk just seemed to go a bit too far, writing 'funny' words on the side that forced me to listen to one thing and read another. I'm VERY supportive of RSAnimate, but I wanted to give the feedback that you and animate too much and distract from the speaker's words.

  • No, no, no.. what you think is right is not right. What you think is wrong is not wrong! There are no sinners, only people who do things 'differently'!! Empathy is the true good! Facts only cause arguments! Education? ...We better concentrate more on empathy, that's the makings of a better society!

    Man, I have to stop watching these videos!!