RSA Animate - 21st century enlightenment

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  • Behaviour change
  • Cognition
  • Social innovation


Matthew Taylor explores the meaning of 21st century enlightenment, how the idea might help us meet the challenges we face today, and the role that can be played by organisations such as the RSA. View Matthew Taylor's lecture at the RSA

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  • Love the videos. How can the RSA help its members to help the RSA and everyone else?

    Here are some pointers and hope that the RSA can build on the great content with great software to facilitate crowdsourcing [e.g. how to organise and encourage comments such as these ones;] (not sure who to email them to?)

    Crowdsourcing can be one way to democratically solve many problems as they can be solved without anyones permission by groups of people who agree on a given goal. We (the crowd) would like to help develop what everyone is doing. How can I/you/they enable us the crowd to improve your work (without having to get permission?). How can this be done for any Charity, organisation or government?

    There are several things that any organisation can do to help us the crowd improve your work...

    You can release your software as open source so everyone can use it for other 'do good' activities (and help you improve it).
    Read up on the benefits of sharing online so that the rest of the world can benefit from your great work rather than just a few people.

    EVERY member or competition applicant can be made into a winner rather than just the chosen few (which means that the majority of applicants get 'Rejected' which wastes their time and has a NEGATIVE effect on their work). This is possible and is explained in posts on http://whymandesign.posterous.... and The collaboration mentality needs to be embraced in order to enable everyone to win (which makes obvious sense when you think about it) rather than the short sighted egotistical competition mentality.

    C. is one live example of a way that you can collaborate with others to help everyone help each others. Please tweet to @whymandesign so we can talk more. http://whymandesign.posterous....

  • I thought it was magnificent. All of these RSAnimates have been quite inspiring. So much so that I've felt the need to write a nice little blog entry on the trend I feel RSA and other similar groups are setting :

  • Fabulous animation, disappointing talk. No analytic sense of institutional change; virtually no sense of 'power' - except the vague Foucault 'power is everywhere' thesis - and no sense of limits (the first bio-materialist critique of the Enlightenment was by Malthus). Too much psychologism going on. One would think that change was just about culture and identity; the consequence being that you end up in all the behaviour-mongering stuff. Very dinner party.

  • These are brilliant I wish there was an opportunity to purchase posters of the final illustrations.

  • In the video, He mentions that once we take money out of the picture Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose are the three motivators. How much money is = take money out of the picture? It again differs from person to person. So is in't that a primary motivator?