Tees Valley


Tees Valley Region of Learning strengthens and builds upon the extensive research and network-building work by the Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA)’s Creative Place team.

In this pilot year, we are working with TVCA to embed the Cities of Learning model and processes to facilitate the growth of the Creative and Cultural Industries across the region. From then on, TVCA will grow the work to other sectors and industries.

Tees Valley Region of Learning looks to change the perception of working in the creative & cultural industries (of young people, their parents, schools, and of stakeholders external to Tees Valley) by;

  • Addressing gaps in knowledge & understanding of creative learning provision across the region,
  • Building awareness, capacity, skills, and collaboration within the sectors (by convening and connecting the right employers and providers),
  • Developing useful evidence to enable TVCEP and the wider sector to make evidence-based, targeted interventions and investments, and
  • Highlighting the relevance and transferability of creative skills for the 21st Century workforce.
Tees Valley graphic image

Working in partnership

The programme is led on the ground by the Tees Valley Combined Authority’s Creative Place team.

Since its inception in 2016, TVCA has worked to make culture a priority focus for the development of the region and invested £20million to date into creative and visitor economies.

TVCA is an organisation founded by partnership-working and stakeholder engagement via a wide range of networks.

The Creative Place team has established formal and informal networks including the Tees Valley Creative Education Partnership (TVCEP) and Tees Valley New Creatives (TVNC) network. They have brought together representatives from learning providers, social enterprises, schools, and employers, and key creative and cultural sector stakeholders, from NPOs to freelance practitioners, many of whom are providing learning that is ‘hidden’ and unaccredited.

Tees Valley Combined Authority Creative Place team logo


Get in touch with the TVCA Creative Place team to discuss how you can support them in Tees Valley.

Learn about our other cities and regions


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