Challenging the mental health crisis
Hannah Webster Riley Thorold James Morrison Jamie Cooke Al Mathers
Read the findings and recommendations of our report on the mental health benefits of a universal basic income for young people.
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Quisque ac orci interdum, vulputate dui feugiat, placerat ante. Curabitur vitae sem lectus. Phasellus condimentum, ligula eget convallis fringilla, magna diam sollicitudin elit, vel posuere erat ipsum et quam. Proin congue vulputate neque et dictum.
Mauris varius risus non magna pretium, sed pulvinar sapien scelerisque. Nam tempor bibendum est, a tincidunt nunc porta ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Morbi rhoncus fringilla ipsum, in blandit velit luctus sed. Mauris a arcu est. Nunc molestie hendrerit metus tempor iaculis. Morbi et nisl odio.
In tempor porttitor blandit. Vivamus in malesuada nisi. Nulla imperdiet nec neque eu vulputate.
Hannah Webster Riley Thorold James Morrison Jamie Cooke Al Mathers
Read the findings and recommendations of our report on the mental health benefits of a universal basic income for young people.
Hannah Webster Riley Thorold James Morrison
New research from the RSA, in partnership Northumbria University, explores the possible benefits of a universal basic income in the UK.
Jake Jooshandeh Hannah Webster James Morrison
This research seeks to understand how social housing residents experience economic security and how technological changes to workplaces might impact their futures.
Check out our research and impact around the specific subject of youth economic security.
We're testing an innovative and scalable approach to lifelong learning, via a digital careers and employability coaching platform.
We're identifying where gaps in support – from the state, communities or employers – contribute to the rising tide of economic insecurity.
We're working to deepen and scale the impact of global innovations in good work.
We're bringing together a global network of Fellows working to tackle vital issues related to economic security and labor-market transforming technologies.
We have been developing new ideas and solutions for the future of work for a number of years. Read more about our thinking on good work.
This report explores how Covid-19 and technological change are reshaping the labour market.
We advocate eight ideas to form the basis of a new social contract for good work.
This report details four very different ‘scenarios’ for the future of work in the UK. We argue that policy-makers should focus more on how automation will transform all work.
Since 2017, the RSA US has been developing a Future of Work practice to support regional innovations in good work, economic security and inclusive growth. Find out more about this work.
Our corporate partners enjoy unique engagement opportunities and experiences that strengthen thought leadership, deepen employee contribution and enhance brand reputation, for the benefit of their organisations and their people.
The RSA has been a great future of work thought leader and partner for Mastercard - its networks, reputation, actionable insights and focus on innovation have helped us refine our approach to social impact in the UK and beyond.
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