Caban Mawr

Fellowship events

 -  | BST British Summer Time

MOMA Machynlleth, Heol Penrallt, SY20 8AJ

  • Sustainability
  • People & place
  • Communities
  • Community engagement
  • Health & wellbeing
  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action

Join us for our showcase event of 2022 taking place at MOMA Machynlleth on Monday 13 June, where we are bringing Fellows and others across Wales|Cymru together to connect and learn.

The focus of the day will be on intersecting key areas of interest to Fellows and the RSA under our banner themes of 'Wellbeing' and 'Regenerative Futures'.

We are delighted to have a keynote speech from Jane Davidson FRSA. She is an author, environmental activist, served as a Welsh government minister and has worked as a university Pro Vice-Chancellor and land restorer. Her book, #futuregen: Lessons from a Small Country forms part of her mission to mainstream sustainability. She will discuss her work and the book in her keynote, that links so beautifully to our themes for Caban Mawr. We will also have a video message from Andy Haldane, the RSA’s Chief Executive.

There will be World Café sessions to facilitate group dialogue taking place in the morning and afternoon. Speakers include:

  • Russell Elliott – A living systems approach to the climate and nature emergencies
  • Emily Roberts and Collette Wright from the Young Carers Academy & Charlie Walker – Wellbeing Futures - The inner brilliance of young carers made real with the RSA
  • Anna Nicholl - Creating better futures together
  • Emma Becker – Wellbeing and authentic leadership
  • Michelle Preston – Creating Connection Between Inner Well-Being and Social Change 
  • Rhiannon-Jane Raftery –  Co-creating a positive vision of life in the new economy – places where we don't just try to do less harm but actively seek to leave things better? 
  • Wendy Beere – Percy and Friends supporting Complex PTSD, Anxiety and Depression
  • Mark Waters – Preparing for a Future in a Rapidly Changing World 

Caban Mawr is part of the RSA’s Fellows Festival and will share some similar themes and ideas, bringing to Wales the latest RSA thinking and strategy and sharing the best of Wales with the global network of the RSA.

We know how important it is to reconnect with each other and develop new and exciting relationships. So we have ensured there is plenty of opportunity to network and connect across the day during the event and over a delicious buffet lunch. Machynlleth is a beautiful place too and we will encourage you to take time to look around and engage with the warm and welcoming community. A fuller programme of Fellows work being showcased will be circulated nearer the date. Our capacity for numbers is limited by the size of the venue, so right now it would be very helpful if you could register if you intend to join us, so we can have an overview of how many of you wonderful people will be joining us.

Travel and accessibility information can be found here:

Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer ein digwyddiad arddangos 2022 a gynhelir ym Machynlleth ddydd Llun 13 Mehefin. Byddwn yn dod â Chymrodyr ac eraill ledled ynghyd i gyd-gysylltu a dysgu. Bydd ffocws y diwrnod ar groestorri meysydd allweddol o ddiddordeb i Gymrodyr a'r RSA o dan ein themâu baner 'Lles' a 'Dyfodol Adfywiol'.

Rydym yn hynod falch bod Jane Davidson FRSA, yn rhoi'r prif anerchiad, mae hi’n awdur, yn actifydd amgylcheddol ac wedi gwasanaethu fel gweinidog llywodraeth Cymru ac fel Dirprwy Is-ganghellor prifysgol ac adferwr tir. Mae ei llyfr #futuregen: Lessons from a Small Country yn rhan o’i chenhadaeth i brif ffrydio cynaliadwyedd. Bydd yn trafod ei gwaith a’r gyfrol yn ei hanerchiad sy’n cysylltu mor hyfryd â’n themâu ar gyfer y Caban Mawr. Bydd gennym hefyd neges fideo gan Andy Haldane Prif Weithredwr yr RSA.

Yn ystod y dydd bydd cyfle hefyd i fynychu sesiynau dan arweiniad Cymrodyr yn canolbwyntio ar y prosiectau a'r gwaith a ymgymerir ganddynt.

Mae Caban Mawr yn rhan o Ŵyl Cymrodyr yr RSA a bydd yn rhannu rhai themâu a syniadau tebyg, gan ddod â syniadaeth a strategaeth ddiweddaraf yr RSA i Gymru a rhannu’r gorau o Gymru gyda rhwydwaith byd-eang yr RSA.

Rydym yn gwybod pa mor bwysig yw ailgysylltu â'n gilydd a datblygu perthnasoedd newydd a chyffrous. Felly rydym wedi sicrhau bod digon o gyfle i rwydweithio a chysylltu yn ystod y dydd, yn ystod y digwyddiad a thros ginio blasus. Mae Machynlleth yn lle hardd hefyd a byddwn yn eich annog i neilltuo amser i edrych o gwmpas ac ymgysylltu â’r gymuned gynnes a chroesawgar. Dosberthir rhaglen fwy cynhwysfawr o waith y Cymrodyr yn nes at y dyddiad. Cyfyngir ein capasiti ar gyfer niferoedd gan faint y lleoliad, felly ar hyn o bryd byddai’n ddefnyddiol iawn pe gallech gofrestru os ydych yn bwriadu ymuno â ni, fel y gallwn gael weld pwy o blith eich pobl wych fydd yn ymuno â ni.

Taking part in RSA in-person events

We've been looking forward to finally being able to meet together in person. But of course recognise it is important for us to stay cautious and make the environment safe for everyone.

We aim to have assurances from all venues that they will have basic COVID-safety processes in place.

We’re asking all attendees of events to be respectful of personal space, to be mindful of others preferences in regards to social distancing and to respect those that are wearing face coverings.

To participate in the event, you will need to register for a ticket so we can make sure we have an up-to-date list of those who plan on attending. This is for capacity purposes.

We request that all attendees evaluate their own health and that of those they’re in close contact with. We encourage all attendees that are sick or showing symptoms of illness to stay home and to cancel your Eventbrite ticket if you are no longer able to join the event.

Given the ever-changing nature of the pandemic, please always check your latest national Government guidance in addition to following our baseline guidance enclosed here. If guidelines do change, the event may be cancelled at short notice.

If you have any questions, or to let us know of any access requirements or reasonable adjustments you require, please email:[email protected].

What else is on at the Fellows Festival?

Register for other events at our inaugural Fellows Festival