What's on at the RSA Fellows Festival 2022

Fellowship news

The world is facing a collision of crises; from the climate crisis to the cost-of-living crisis, from the inequality crisis to the Ukraine crisis.

Rising to the challenges of these crises will not be possible using the same thinking, practices and policies that generated them in the first place. It requires a fresh approach.

The inaugural RSA Fellows Festival on 14 May is an opportunity to begin creating that new thinking, new practice and new policies. It is about shaping the future strategy of the RSA - and charting a path towards a better tomorrow.

That is why we are calling the event “In pursuit of the good society”.

The Festival will bring together prominent speakers from the world of academia, business, civil society, central and local government, and politics - alongside our 30,000 global Fellows.

The contours of this debate are clear enough. We have an economy and society that is unbalanced (by region, income, opportunity) and extractive (ecologically and financially). It is also fragile and insecure in the face of shocks, such as Covid and Ukraine.

Addressing these challenges means a new model is needed, one in which the economy and society satisfy the new three R’s: rebalanced, regenerative and resilient.

But who? How? And where? The RSA Fellows are who, together is how, and the Fellows Festival is where.

It provides a unique setting, at a unique point in time, to bring together the private, public and civil society sectors - regionally, nationally, globally - to begin forging that new model.

There is now a waiting list for tickets to attend the gathering in RSA House on 14 May. There are still tickets available to attend the day online, and for the additional national and global events that make up the Fellows Festival.

If you are unable to attend in-person at the RSA’s historic home in central London on 14 May, there are plenty of other options for being part of the conversation. You can take part through an exciting collection of events with participating Fellows across the UK and around the world. Alternatively, attend virtually on the day to hear from our keynote speakers.

Still got questions? Check out our FAQ page for more information.

We look forward to seeing you at one of these events soon.

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