RSA AGM 2017

Fellowship news 3 Comments

  • Fellowship
  • Leadership

The RSA's 263rd RSA Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 10 October 2017 at 6pm.

The AGM will be held in the Great Room at RSA House, 8 John Adam Street, London, WC2N 6EZ.

To book your ticket, please follow this link


1. Welcome and Apologies. 

2. Minutes of the 262nd Annual General Meeting held on 6 October 2016 and matters arising. 

3. Resolution 1: To approve the Trustee Board's election of Peter Fell as Deputy Chairman, which requires the concurrence of the AGM for a first three-year term.

4. To note the results of the elections, including the two members of the Trustee Board.

5. To receive and consider a report from the Board of Trustees, including the accounts. 

Vikki Heywood CBE (Chair of the Board of Trustees)

 4 July 2017

For more details about the AGM, follow this link.

RSA Impact Report 2017 

(Including Trustees' Annual Report & Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2017).

Follow this link to access the report. 

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  • Hi Jonathan, 

    Unfortunately we stopped livestreaming the AGM a couple of years ago due to the fact that very few people were tuning in (one year it was only one person!) and it was not worth the additional cost. I'm we'd consider reintroducing it if there is a sufficient number of Fellows wishing to view it online.  

    • Hi Alex,

      Completely understand.  But, now as there's free services like Periscope, or even the opportunity to use Zoom (as has been used for RSA US) it's not much more requirement than setting up a mobile device or laptop to capture. I can assure you that you've got at least one viewer if you can make it happen! :) 

  • Any chance the meeting can be livestreamed? I'd love to be able to view it from Los Angeles and feel a part of the community. Cheers and Thanks! Jonathan

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