FELLOW EVENT: AI – Fables, Facts, and Futures; Threat, Promise or Saviour?

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship
  • Technology

FREE EVENT | Wed 23 May 2018, 18:00–20:00 BST | The Waterfront Auditorium, Level 1 Waterfront Building, University of Suffolk, Neptune Quay, Ipswich IP4 1QJ


AI – Artificial Intelligence

Professor Peter Cochrane will illuminate the fundamentals; what we know for sure; what we don't know; and the Big Surprises that AI will bring.

This is part of our continuing Out of Hours seminar series hosted by Ipswich Waterfront Innovation Centre at the University of Suffolk. It will be an animated tutorial style event with demonstrations, videos & provoking propositions.

The talk is suitable for anyone who needs to understand the basis and potential of this game changing technology, including: university, college and 6th form students, lecturers, researchers and industry practitioners.

Parking will available in the main University car park.

Refreshments will be provided before the event.

The talk will be livestreamed.

‘Out of hours’ tutorials are configured for those university students, research staff, industry staff, high school teachers and students, (and others) struggling with the subject concepts and application at a fundamental level. It will include live demonstrations, experiments, animations and videos designed to reinforce the detail.

A primary objective is to get attendees to ‘first base’ so they can pick up books and papers, or comb through web pages with confidence. Hopefully, this will also be a pre-cursor to practical application.

Mathematical formulations are approached from several different angles as an aid to rapid assimilation and a deeper understanding, and to demonstrate specific advantages in different fields of application.


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