Making a difference: Creating content to drive action for good

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In the current social and economic climate, what is the best way to approach making engaging content that is going to drive actionable change for your cause?

Join Amplitude on Wednesday 17 May at 1.30pm, when they'll be talking to some of the leading voices in the world of purpose-driven creativity to discuss the secrets behind creating meaningful content that drives actionable change in 2023 and beyond.

Representatives from International Animal Rescue, Creatives for Climate, Creative Conscience, and the Better Business Network, will be joined in discussion by Amplitude's CEO, Jo Burns-Russell, live from the Royal Society of Arts London, to discuss how to tell compelling stories through your content, engaging with your audience to inspire them to take action for good.

Plus, there will be an opportunity to put your questions to the panel during a live Q&A! There are a limited number of tickets available to attend on the day and the event will also be streamed live as a webinar. Book here:

Making a difference: Creating content to drive action for good

Wednesday 17 May, 13.30-15.30pm
The Steps, The Coffee House, RSA House, 8 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6EZ

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