An Exclusive Degard Exhibition

Fellowship news

First exclusive exhibition by aura pure* painter, founder of The Aetheric Movement and FRSA Degard, runs Tuesday 15 to Monday 21 May 2018 at Signet Contemporary Art, 378 King’s Road, London.

Degard, the artist who has captured the auras of more than 60 celebrities in paint, is showing many of these works for the first time at Signet Contemporary Art, 378 King’s Road, Chelsea, London SW3 5UZ.

The show, which includes Degard’s paintings of Kate Middleton, Prince William, David Beckham, Britney Spears, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kylie Minogue, and many other celebrities, runs from Tuesday 15 May to Monday 21 May 2018. A private view for journalists, celebrities, and other VIPs, including FRSAs, will take place from 6.30pm–9pm on Tuesday 15 May.

Degard’s focus in this series of works is celebrity – the industry that surrounds them and the emergence, flow and development of the aetheric energy in society. Degard’s work has also been described as ‘contemporary visionary’.

This exhibition also coincides with the publication of Degard’s second book, entitled An aetheric collection – Celebrities and Icons? The second book of the aetheric movement. The show will also time with the publication of her essay ‘Aetheric Energy: The Intangible Source of Human Celebrity?’ working in collaboration with Dr Alan Rayner’s FRSA scientific concepts of Natural Inclusion.

Further, Degard is holding a mini-symposium, also at Signet Contemporary Art on 20 May, and entitled ‘Art at the Royal Society of Arts – why isn’t there any?!’. This has proved a very popular event with key speakers Michael Paraskoks, Jennifer Wilson and ex-fellows who left the RSA because there is no art! Please do join us in this positive conversation to configure a plan to present.

If you would like to attend the private view on Tuesday evening – 15 May – please make contact with Miles Clayton of Agility PR on 01992587439 or 07799063398 or via email to [email protected]. Please respond to confirm attendance by Friday 30 April 2018.

You can get in touch for more information about Degard, The Aetheric Movement or for a copy of her two books, which include many of the art works that will be on display in this show. We also have a library of images of art works, which can be shared via Dropbox.


* What is the Aura Pure? The aura pure is your memory, your consciousness around you – your thoughts, your beliefs, your actions and the aetheric energies influencing you, throughout your life.

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