Apply to be part of a charities workshop on 27 February 2020

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action

The Betty Messenger Foundation invite anyone working on an idea or in a small charity making a positive impact on society to apply to take part in their Charities workshop. The deadline for applications is midnight on 3 February 2020.

The interactive workshop will explore the best way to develop your: 

  • charitable idea into a real project 
  • small charity up to the next level 

Have you started working, or providing a service for your new idea to make a positive impact on society, but you don’t know whether or how to take the next step to become a charity? 

Have you started a small charity, but you are unsure about whether or how to roll it out or expand your activities? 
Yes; then this is the workshop for you: 

  • Hear from experienced charity leaders who have achieved what you aspire to 
  • Meet others who are in the same situation as you and share stories, best practice and ideas 
  • Join self-supporting groups including expert guidance 
  • Understand the challenges and your options 
  • Practical advice about where to get help. 


This workshop is free of charge and kindly sponsored by the Betty Messenger Charitable Foundation whose trustees recognise the value of supporting new initiatives to solve the problems we face and, the important contribution that small charities make to the sector. The workshop includes refreshments and lunch and will be held at RSA House, 8 John Adam Street, WC2N 6EZ 9.30 – 14.00 on Thursday 27 February 2020.  

The application process is open to all. Up to 20 places will be available which entitles the attendees to apply for grants of up to £1,000 each for consultancy, or a kick starter grant. 



The application closing date is midnight on 3rd February 2020.      

Places will be allocated at the trustees’ discretion and it may not be possible to respond to all applications, depending on the volume received.  


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