Bad Idea? No such thing...

Fellowship news

  • Social enterprise
  • Crowdfunding
  • Fellowship

Scottish social enterprise company Bad Idea have just launched their first crowdfunding campaign on RSA Kickstarter. Their aim is to help budding young entrepreneurs to realise their business ideas and transform their futures. 

Bad Idea believe that the greatest challenge we face to date, is education being too slow to react to the changing world we live in. As technology develops at an alarming rate, young people will need to be more and more enterprising in order to be able to adapt to change. 

Set up in 2012, Bad Idea, led by Anthony Gerrard FRSA and Bjorn Sandberg is primarily a response to the rising number of NEETS (young people who are not in education, employment or training) in Glasgow. The project runs a flagship competition encouraging secondary school children to come up with imaginative ideas over a four-day workshop. Participants create business plans, use social media, seek funding and present to a judging panel who decide the winner.

Their Kickstarter campaign aims to attract investors so that they can digitise their enterprise course materials into a state of the art mobile app allowing participants to engage more easily with the programme. This new app will allow a young person anywhere in the world to access their course, and on completion have their new-found entrepreneurial skills certified by an accreditation panel, giving them greater life chances.

So far, they have raised over £3,000, and have 21 more days to achieve their £10,000 target. Help them inspire young people to transform their futures by supporting the campaign.




Visit Bad Idea's website




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