Turn your idea into a reality with RSA and CrowdPatch

Fellowship news

  • Social enterprise
  • Crowdfunding
  • Fellowship

The RSA is embarking on a new journey by teaming up with CrowdPatch, the community crowdfunding platform. CrowdPatch is a community interest company, setup and managed by Fellows of the RSA, which provides social entrepreneurs with the ability to fund and find volunteers for projects that impact the communities at local, regional and national levels.

The RSA believes this is an exciting opportunity to boost and give momentum to your ideas and initiatives. Crowdfunding at CrowdPatch is totally free, which gives everyone the power to turn their ideas into reality: a key RSA objective.

Over the next few months, the RSA shall be incubating three projects run by Fellows in the RSA London region who are actively looking to crowdfund up to £3000 for their ventures. We want to hear from Fellows with great projects who have the time and energy to commit to working hard towards reaching their financial and practical targets within an agreed deadline period.

In return, the RSA will offer support, advice, training and mentoring to suit you and your project needs (for example, teaching you how to use CrowdPatch and helping you to develop a digital marketing strategy) and create a dedicated crowdfunding page for the RSA London Region.

In keeping with the RSA mission to find innovative and creative solutions to social challenges, we believe our new partnership with CrowdPatch fits our philosophy to engage Fellows in visionary enterprises that change our communities for good and to enable Fellows to work with each other by volunteering skills, experience and opportunities and by sharing news via their RSA and other networks. CrowdPatch matches finance to our passion to make a difference in our communities and gives us the tools to realise the RSA’s ambition to release Fellows into having the ‘power to create'

This new initiative will be led by Mark Hall, Regional Manager for RSA London, supported by Christopher Norris FRSA, Head of Crowdfunding at CrowdPatch.

If you have an initiative or a project that you are actively looking to crowdfund, and would like to be considered at one of the first three projects in the RSA CrowdPatch scheme, please contact Chris Norris at [email protected] by 12 June 2016. We aim to launch the crowdfunding phase of the selected projects on 1 July 2016 with a view to setting a deadline date of 30 July 2016.

The application form can be found here.

For more information about CrowdPatch, the RSA CrowdPatch partnership and/or crowdfunding in general, please contact Christopher at [email protected].

Visit the Crowdpatch website: www.crowdpatch.co.uk

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