Bill Fryer FRSA

Fellowship news

It is with a heavy heart that I write about fellow FRSA Bill Fryer who passed away earlier this month after a brave nine month battle with cancer. Bill had spent a lifetime helping people, especially in the further education sector and more recently through the creation and delivery of third sector-related projects.

It was through the RSA , many years ago, that my path crossed this energetic Scouser who radiated a deep caring warmth of personality, indefatigable energy and a wicked dry sense of humour. He was also a passionate Liverpool FC supporter. 

Because of his unshakeable belief in the aims of the RSA, Bill was always trying, through his many avenues of activity, national and international, to weave an RSA ‘angle’ and has been for many years a prominent and active Fellow in the West Midlands region. 

I will miss him deeply as a good friend and colleague. He too is a sad loss for the RSA, an organisation that he held in deep regard. 

On behalf of the RSA, and especially the West Midlands Region, our thoughts are with his family for whom Bill’s, in the end, sudden death has been devastating. 

We will not quite see his like again! 

Keith Horsfall – Chair RSA West Midlands

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