BOOM: Film Addressing the Challenges of Mental Health During Lockdown

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action

Lehla and Anthony Eldridge Rogers FRSA, were awarded funding for The Time Is Now commission from The Exeter Northcott to make a short film called 'Boom'.

It is a story set in the mind of Dot, a young woman struggling with her mental health. In a fairytale like fashion it follows her on her journey through her dark mind until she has a 'Boom' moment and realises she can come to terms with the trauma that she has been through. Made entirely in lockdown 'Boom' is a tale about grief, loss, acceptance and ultimately love. 

BOOM is all about connection and getting through the difficult times and finding our own breakthrough moments.

Please get in touch if you're involved in the mental health/ medical/ creative space and would be interested in co-convening around the topic of the mind, creativity, key workers and where we are at and where we are heading during this Covid pandemic. Email [email protected].


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