Business of Science Conference in Leeds: May 2019

Fellowship news

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RSA Fellows in Leeds are invited to attend the 4th annual Business of Science Conference.

The Business of Science conference was first established in 2016 to encourage debate and interest in the Commercialisation of Science and to discuss the three key themes of Science, Innovation and Skills. Their 4thConference will be held in Leeds on 16th May 2019 and will consist of numerous sessions including:

  • “STEM, Diversity and Inclusion.”
  • “The Commercialisation of 2D Materials” exploring how Graphene and related materials can bring both economic and societal benefit.
  • “Water as a precious commodity”
  • Careers session for 6th Form students who are interested in STEM subjects.


Linking strongly with Industrial Strategy, the event has developed a community of like-minded individuals who regard the development of science-based solutions to be at the heart of business and which can enhance work, society and leisure.  A key part of this is ensuring that Science and STEM subjects are inclusive and engaging to ensure that skills development is a fundamental part of the overall strategy.

Do you know of a school or college who would like to send students to the conference or know someone who could enter the inaugural BoS Innovation Award? If so, or you are just interested in finding out more about the Business of Science check out the website or contact Steve Bennett FRSA directly via email.

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