Calling all fellows with an interest in sustainable development and an eye for detail...

Fellowship news

  • Environment
  • Fellowship

The RSA Environment Awards Forum Secretariat is looking for RSA fellows interested in being an assessor of the UK entries for the European Commission's 2016 European Business Awards for the Environment (EBAE).

The EBAE recognise and promote organisations that make an outstanding contribution to sustainable development. To be eligible, UK companies first have to win a national award from amongst the schemes that are accredited by the RSA. The RSA Accreditation scheme was created by the RSA Environment Awards Forum, is managed by IMS Consulting and supported by DEFRA.

Assessors are required for each of the four categories: Management, Product and Services, Process, and International Business Cooperation. We will expect assessors to review approximately five entries against the EBAE criteria.

The UK assessment period will take place between February and March. On Monday 15 February you will receive electronic copies of the entry forms allocated to you, together with log in details for the UK online scoring system. Assessors are expected to provide a numerical score and a brief explanation/comment against each of the EBAE category criteria. The online scoring should be completed and submitted using the online portal by the Monday 7 March.

If you are interested in being an assessor, please email Vittoria Caselgrandi at [email protected]  

Further information on the EBAE is available here:

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