Call for papers and presenters: Canterbury Arts Conference 2017

Fellowship news

  • Community engagement
  • Arts and society
  • Fellowship

Canterbury will be playing host to local and international visitors this July as it hosts the 4th annual Canterbury Arts Conference. The theme for this year’s CArtsCon is “Art for Change”. Change is typically seen as making something different, developing it, and/or moving it from one place or state to another. But “change” can also refer to loose coins — the few pennies we have left over — or to money in general.

CArtsCon 2017 will fuse these concepts into a lively debate looking at whether art can drive change or influence moods and minds, if worthwhile art can be created with little money, and how powerful arts movements can be created. In short, how can art change hearts and minds and how does money factor in this?

The conference will take place at the Canterbury Baptist Church and Warnborough College. It is open to artists in all arts disciplines and media, academics, historians, curators, students, researchers, policy makers, and professionals in arts-related fields. A short film showcase will present selected short films from around the world. Selected scenes from a new musical based on the life of Christopher Marlowe will be previewed. School children in Canterbury will compete for prizes in an art competition.

The Canterbury ArtsCon will take place from 18 to 21 July. The official CArtsCon website can be found at

Call for participation

We are looking for the following. Applications are open until 15 April 2017.

  • Academic paper presentations
  • Topical speakers
  • 5 participants for an industry panel looking at ‘The Role of the Arts in a Changing Society’
  • Submissions of short films (max. 8 minutes)

For presentations, speakers have up to 45 minutes with 15 minutes for questions. Abstract and other information can be found on the CArtsCon website.

Alternatively, please contact Julian Ng FRSA: [email protected].

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