Collaborate for social impact with RSA Mindful Living and Coaching Networks 19 Nov

Fellowship news

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  • Fellowship in Action

Save the date: RSA Mindful Living and Coaching Networks joint event - 6.30pm – 8.30pm, 19 November, Dr Cross Room, RSA House.

Collaborating for social impact: lessons from mindfulness and coaching 

John-Paul Sartre said that, “Hell is other people”. But all social change depends on coming together with other people. It depends on collaboration. Social activists do their best to collaborate well but it can be painful and rarely do we stop to ask what makes collaboration work well. 

This workshop will explore what mindfulness and coaching can teach us about collaboration. It is aimed at anyone involved in a social project, social enterprise or RSA network. It is designed to help you get more out of your work with partners, funders, colleagues, customers or whoever you collaborate with.  

It will be practical, interactive and experiential. Everyone will have the opportunity to learn some techniques from mindfulness and coaching and apply them to their current collaborative challenges. 

The workshop will be led by Stephen Burt and Marion Thackwray. Stephen is a coach, facilitator, and jazz musician with a passion for improv comedy. He is an RSA Fellow, and co-lead of the RSA’s Coaching Network. Marion is a flag-waver for mindfulness, RSA Fellow and co-lead of the RSA’s Mindful Living Network. 

John-Paul also said that “If you're lonely when you're alone, you're in bad company.” So join us on 19 November and enjoy some good company, engaging conversation and powerful learning. 

Save the date and watch this space - booking for this event will be made live later in Autumn.

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