Collaborating to Beat Lung Infections & Asthma

Fellowship news

  • Science

Why do some people exposed to allergens like pollen and pet dander develop asthma, while others do not? Why do some people infected by the same bacteria and viruses go on to develop diseases such as tuberculosis or flu, while others do not? These are questions that fascinate scientists at the Crick and beyond.

Our lungs hold the key. To mark the International Day of Immunology 2017 the Francis Crick Institute and Nature Research present: Collaborating to Beat Lung Infections & Asthma. At this panel discussion, hosted by Claudia Hammond, you will have the opportunity to hear expert scientists discuss how lungs respond to infections and during asthma. Put your questions about lung health and disease to our panel. Join us for a lively discussion followed by a free drinks reception where you can chat to our panellists in a more relaxed setting.

The event will take place on Friday 5th May, 


18:00 – 19:00 Doors open, opportunity to view the Crick's "Open for discovery" Exhibition

19:00 – 20:30 Panel discussion with audience questions on Collaborating to Beat Lung Infections and Asthma

20:30 - 21:15 Drinks in the gallery

The event is free, you can book tickets here 

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