Contribute to the FFCC in Northern Ireland

Fellowship news

The RSA Food, Farming and Countryside Commission (FFCC) is an 18 month independent inquiry bringing together citizens, producers, businesses and academics from different sectors and with diverse perspectives in food, farming and countryside issues. We are working together to find common purpose, create new possibilities for action, and achieve a mandate for change.

As part of our UK wide tour, the FFCC will be visiting Northern Ireland between 11 - 22 June.

We’re reaching out to you, RSA Fellows, to help us. We’re hoping to meet groups and individuals steeped in deep knowledge of their communities. We’re hoping you will show us around, introduce us to those we should meet and explain to us what we need to understand. The tour will be one researcher, travelling solo by bicycle.

If you would be interested in linking or contributing to the Commission’s tour, please get in touch: [email protected].

For more information about FFCC: RSA Food, Farming and Countryside Commission.

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