Seeking Fellows with tech expertise

Fellowship news 2 Comments

  • Fellowship
  • Technology

This year RSA staff and Fellows will be working with Dotforge, an innovative accelerator and investment programme for social entrepreneurs who want to harness the power of digital technology to realise positive social change. 

We’re looking for Fellows with digital, tech, business and/or social expertise; experienced health, education and social service specialists; entrepreneurs and software developers willing to share their knowledge and advice with teams during their entrepreneurial journeys. The partnership is an exciting opportunity to engage Fellows with new projects and have them on board as mentors contributing to the impact accelerator start-ups.

We’re looking for Fellows from across the UK to engage with the small teams and their early stage digital technology projects, some of which include:

OpenCinemadedicated to fostering a more innovative use of cinema as a tool for community engagement.

LearnerLanea service to help students reach their academic goals by using technology to connect them with suitable tutors.

Polensocial marketing for e-commerce; by uniting online donations and shopping, the project aims to create a closer relationship between consumers and shops.

StrokeCare - an app for tablets and mobile phones to help families with a member who has suffered a stroke. The main goal is to use the technology to diminish the troubles and associated costs for the people suffering a stroke.

Chummunity - Zagreb based online community connecting freelance writers with people who have a story to tell.

CoverVideo - flexible video recruitment tool designed to modernise the recruitment industry. Their goal is to make the hiring process as fast and easy as possible without compromising the quality of the outcome.

Deliverd - Order and delivery of a balanced meal prepared by local, independently owned businesses. Technology provides an easy, convenient and cost effective way to enhance and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Mobile Power - aims to provide a clean, affordable and sustainable source of electricity to the off-grid market in the developing world through renting portable battery packs.

onShowcase - created to help schools communicate with families, replacing the use of time-consuming and difficult to maintain school blogs.

PepVend - shaking up the traditional market place of coffee and vending with ethically sourced products.

Mentoring is flexible, with the opportunity to connect with teams remotely through to 1:1 project engagement and evaluation.  If you would like more information about the projects or to raise interest for mentoring please contact Dotforge and regional Fellowship coordinator Rachel Barker.


Visit Dotforge's website


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  • I'd be interested in mentoring OpenCinema, based on our experience with our Media Futures programme. 

    • Thanks for your interest Nico, I'll e-mail you to discuss further!


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