Invitation to Institute of Event Management workshop in Liverpool

Fellowship news

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Susan Spibey FRSA at the Institute of Event Management, invites practitioners, academics and any interested RSA Fellows to take part in an interactive events management workshop in Liverpool on 12 April.

The word ‘events’ has only come into common parlance in the last couple of decades and used to describe a whole range of activities, more particularly ‘event management’ as an emerging profession. The development of education and training including university courses in the United Kingdom has increased awareness of this.

The economic, professional and social benefits of events are becoming well recognised globally. Many RSA Fellows organise events as part of their own project activities and several hundred are working in the sector. To further explain the sector, see this Matrix to help demonstrate scope and scale.

The Institute of Event Management (IEM) are currently in the process of establishing a professional body to provide a resource for all those involved in the delivery of ‘events’, professional recognition and opportunities for continuing professional development. Membership of a professional body is for individuals seeking to gain recognition for their knowledge, skills and experience. The IEM will follow the standard practices of professional bodies, in particular the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development).

The IEM will provide professional recognition to enhance status with colleagues and employers alike, publicly demonstrating commitment to professionalism and continued professional development.

Membership levels will include Apprentice/Student, Affiliate, Associate (AIEM) Full Member (MIEM) and Fellow (FIEM). In addition, it will provide a resource for those who have to organise events for a wide variety of reasons.

To enable the Institute of Event Management to be open for membership and function as a professional body it is essential to establish the parameters for a qualification framework to inform the membership levels and enable accreditation and validation processes. A workshop has been planned to bring together Practitioners and Academics who are keen to support the development of the Institute of Event Management. It is hoped to have representation from all parts of the sector as set out in the Matrix.

The IEM Board is pleased to have the support of the Dean of LJMU Liverpool Business School who has offered to host this workshop in the perfect setting of the John Lennon Building which houses the School of Art and Design.

The workshop programme sets out the actions required to enable the IEM Board to move forward and open for membership. 


To aid preparation for the Workshop, documents will be available to download at

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