Expressions of Interest sought for event on the science of behaviour change and cross-sector opportunities for consumer engagement on waste

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action

Consumer behaviours around inappropriate disposal of products directly impact on the recycling of waste and wastewater – increasing costs and damaging the environment.

To stimulate cross-sector engagement and understanding of how to (positively) influence these behaviours David Tompkins FRSA is working with Anglian Water on a one-day summit in Peterborough, exploring: 

• The science behind consumer flush/throw behaviours;  

• How that science has been successfully deployed to change behaviours;  

• When other supply chain interventions are needed to deliver the desired outcomes; and  

• How different stakeholders can work together to tackle this challenge.  

The outcomes from the summit will be:  

• Identification of opportunities for cross-sector collaboration and efficiencies; 

• Creation of a community of practice around environmental behaviour change in the water and waste sectors.  


Call for Expressions of Interest 

At this stage we are inviting interested parties to submit a (maximum) 500 word expression of interest, outlining your expertise and/or interest in the topic, and stating whether you would like to present, facilitate or simply attend. The event will take place in Peterborough later this year.  

Submissions are welcome from:  

  • Water companies  

  • Waste/resource management companies 

  • Local Authorities  

  • Social scientists 

  • Communication experts  

This event is being developed by the Anglian Centre for Water Studies, and will have a regional focus. A combination of presentations and facilitated workshops is envisaged, with total delegate numbers capped at 50. This is a not-for-profit event, but it is likely that a small fee will be payable to cover venue costs. 

Please send your expression of interest to: Vittoria Danino at [email protected] and David Tompkins at [email protected] by Monday February 17th, 2020 

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