RSA Fellows Meet up in Nigeria

Fellowship news

Our RSA Connector based in Nigeria, John Minto, gives us a recap of a recently held RSA Fellows Meet up in Abuja.

On Thursday, July 6 2017, six potential Fellows of the RSA met at the Gede Foundation in Abuja to discuss the work of the RSA and the benefits of Fellowship. Existing Nigeria-based RSA Fellows, John Minto and Kayode Olanorin hosted the event which included pioneers and leaders from business, civil society and the media.

 The meeting is seen as the ‘start’ of a growing RSA presence in Nigeria, with an increasing number of Fellows being identified for the long-term development of ‘RSA Nigeria’.

 With a significant range of challenges and opportunities facing Africa’s largest country (by population), there has never been a greater need to ensure that thinking, creativity and action deliver 21st century enlightenment for all Nigerians.

If you are interested in finding out more about RSA Fellowship in Nigeria, please contact John Minto.

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