Fellowship Sounding Boards

Fellowship news

  • Community engagement
  • Social networks
  • Fellowship

The RSA Fellowship in Exeter has developed an exciting new consultative forum for local Fellows known as ‘Sounding Boards’, and is looking to get more Fellows involved.

These Sounding Boards are groups of Fellows with particular expertise, interest or relevant skills who come together to help an external organisation address a particular challenge.

The first Sounding Board took place at the Generator in Exeter on the evening of the 5th January. Following an open call for participation, a small group of Fellows came together for 2 ½ hours and engaged in lively dialogue to help shape a proposal for a masters qualification in NGO and Voluntary Sector Management.

The client organisation ‘felt the evening was interesting and gave us some great direction. It certainly re-energized me!’. The Fellows ‘really enjoyed the discussion’, felt ‘it was a privilege to be involved’, and  stated that ‘you don't get many opportunities to be first and biggest into something new and of global importance!’

Needless to say, this first event has been viewed as a success. Now on to the next one, where an organisation wants RSA Fellows to help them develop thinking on community health care. To find out more or sign up to attend, contact Nick Parker FRSA.

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