Bringing creativity to Bath

Fellowship news

  • Arts and society
  • Fellowship

How creative is your city?

The RSA is committed to supporting creative citizenship by working with our Fellows and progressing their endeavours. We've just seen out the end of another successful RSA Kickstarter campaign, which has allowed Penny Hay FRSA to raise over £10,000 and begin to reinvent the city of Bath as one of imagination and creativity.

Penny's project is The Forest of Imagination - a pop-up multi-disciplinary four day arts event featuring world-class architects, designers and artists. In 2014, it attracted nearly 2,000 visitors showing that there is a clear appetite for greater arts engagement in Bath.

Thanks to all the support and funds raised through the campaign, Forest of Imagination is set to go ahead for second year, kicking off on Friday 15 May and running through to Monday 18 May in Queen’s Square, Bath.

You can find out more about the full programme of events on their website, and also learn more about opportunities for volunteering.  

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