Getting Involved in British Science Week

Fellowship news

British Science Week - a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) - featuring fascinating, entertaining and engaging events and activities across the UK for people of all ages.

As part of the RSA’s partnership with the British Science Association we are delighted to promote a number of exciting events around British Science Week.

British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) - featuring fascinating, entertaining and engaging events and activities across the UK for people of all ages.

While the main purpose of British Science Week is to inspire and facilitate a grassroots celebration of STEM around the UK, the British Science Association is also putting on a number of flagship events during the week.

These are:

* ‘The Age of Genius and the rise of science’ –Professor AC Grayling FRSA discusses his new book, exploring the importance of scientific ideas in the 17th century. 

This event is free to Members and Friends of the British Science Association’s membership scheme, and all tickets include a free drink. 

Future Debate – ‘A robot stole my job: will automated technologies destroy British culture?’, a panel debate with thought leaders including the RSA’s Director of Policy and Strategy Anthony Painter. 

* The Story ColliderTrue, personal stories about science: five storytellers will share their exciting tales of how science changed their lives.

* Scanning the Horizon: space travel through the ages – join the British Science Association as we get unique access to clips from BBC’s Horizon and watch how science and scientific thinking has evolved over the past five decades.

There are thousands of events taking place across the UK for British Science Week, find one in your area 

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