Small grants and project support for RSA Fellows in Ireland

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

The RSA Ireland team support Fellows with small grants of up to £500 to assist with piloting early project ideas which closely align to the RSA’s aims and values.

Do you have an idea that could grow with a small Ideas to Impact grant? We want to hear from you! 

RSA Fellows can apply for a small grant to support ideas, with funds to enable project meetings or steering groups, carrying out research, printing materials, prototypes or documenting the process. 

Apply for a small Ideas to Impact grant

Send a written request to Rachel Barker, RSA Area Manager for Ireland:

[email protected].

The written request should not exceed 750 words and outline:

  1. What you wish to achieve
  2. Why you believe it aligns to the RSA’s mission
  3. A budget for the programme of work

Please note, we cannot fund:

  • Private ventures or ventures where owners, shareholders or individuals can financially profit from the venture.
  • Grants to a private limited company.

If you have any questions, get in touch with Rachel Barker.

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