Join the Fellows who are leading the RSA's new Heritage Network

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The RSA is launching a new Heritage Network, with a national remit and an international vision, a focus on heritage and a commitment to supporting the sector to address the challenges of engagement and participation. Do you want to join the Fellows who are leading the RSA's newest network for change?

The RSA Heritage Network is looking for Fellows who have a good understanding of the heritage sector to act as the main contact point for their area and help mobilise/facilitate Fellows in running events and coordinating activity.

The role of these Regional Champions is to: 

  • support the network’s aims generally
  • gather information about heritage activity in their area
  • help develop  and sustain network activity in their area
  • be a connection point and channel of communication between the network leads and their area and help reach heritage practitioners, volunteers and interested parties
  • advocate for and promote the network in their area
  • keep abreast of potential funding opportunities for their area

The RSA Heritage Network is driven by Fellows who volunteer their time and are supported by the RSA. The network aims to be an action focused collaborative platform to bring together people who are involved in the heritage sector in all different capacities from volunteering to professional practise, to explore how to take forward the Heritage Index forward and maximise its potential as a tool to address the challenges it has identified. While a flexible role, we would need a commitment from Regional Champions that they would have the time to fulfil the role as outlined above. The Network will support Regional Champions to work together in the following areas, as defined by the RSA:

  • Scotland
  • Ireland
  • Wales
  • London
  • North
  • Central
  • South West
  • South East

It is expected there will be a number of active Fellows in each area. If you are interested in getting more involved in the network, then please contact [email protected].

The network aims to be international in its approach and will support and engage with Fellows outside the UK. For more information on this please do get in touch. 

Other levels of engagement in the network are recognised, such as receiving news and updates, being proactively involved in shaping/consultation and or project work, contributing to online fora and attending events.

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  • This is an excellent initiative which I fully support and look forward to collaborating with RSA members who share my passion for the role immersive technologies can play in building community social and economic wealth and health through digital heritage.

    David Wortley 

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