Margaret Morgan FRSA and Jane Taylor FRSA

Fellowship news 1 Comments

  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action

Rod Ashley, former Vice-Chair of RSA Wales reflects on the recent loss on two valued and esteemed Fellows – Margaret Morgan FRSA and Jane Taylor FRSA.

We regret to announce the passing of Margaret Morgan MBE from Denbighshire. Margaret was not only a long-standing Fellow but brought a huge amount of expertise, talent and passion to the RSA in Wales. A primary school headteacher of some standing, Margaret became the President of the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) and was awarded the MBE for her services to education over many years. In her very active retirement, Margaret was a stalwart of the RSA in Wales, promoting activity in north Wales and being an active member and Secretary of the Wales RSA committee, later becoming a Fellowship Councillor for Wales. Margaret will be remembered for her enthusiasm and expertise, her dedication to the work of the RSA and for being a warm and welcoming presence at RSA events. All who knew her will miss her and we send our condolences to her family.

We are also sad to note the passing of Jane Taylor from Porthcrawl.  A journalist,a brilliant networker who actively and enthusiastically spread the news of socially transformative work around Wales and the globe. She will be greatly missed.

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  • Cofio Margaret Morgan.  I served on Clwyd Education Committee with her for many years - always a champion for young people and an RSA advocate

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