New vacancy at Generation Rent: Board Chair

Fellowship news

Generation Rent’s mission is to make private renting secure, safe and fair. They are now looking for an experienced and committed Chair of Trustees to lead the organisation into the next stage of their development.

Formally the National Private Tenants Organisation, Generation Rent are a company limited by guarantee with charitable objects;

● To prevent or relieve poverty among private rented sector tenants who are in or at risk of poverty.

● To undertake educational activities and improve knowledge and expertise on the part of landlords, tenants, regulators and others so the quality, security, affordability and professionalism of management in the private rented sector is enhanced.

In just four years, Generation Rent has made a big impact through policy and parliamentary campaigns to improve private renting. They have been nimble, highly tactical and have punched above their weight in building a powerful voice for private renters in the corridors of power.

With a strong reputation among decision-makers, influencers and private renter activists, there is so much more that they can do to leverage their knowledge and networks to increase renters’ power and improve standards in the market.

Generation Rent are now looking for an energetic new Chair of Trustees to join the board and work with them as they develop their vision and objectives into a clear strategy, funded by a range of income streams, and supported by an effective, focused board and staff team.

The preferred candidate will have strong governance experience, ideally gained from prior experience on the board of a small not-for-profit organisation, but experience in other areas of governance is welcomed. 

They will have a solid understanding of how boards and staff work most effectively together in small organisations, and have strong leadership skills to ensure that trustees and staff contribute most effectively to the running of Generation Rent.

Applications from women, people from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds, people who identify as lesbian, gay, bi and transgender, and people who have disabilities are positively encouraged. The diversity of perspectives that the board brings to the leadership of the organisation is strongly valued.

The Chair of Trustees will act as the conduit between the Director and the board, providing support and direction, managing performance, supporting their welfare and ensuring the wider staff have the support they need from the board. As such, the Chair of Trustees will commit to spending 14 hours a month on Generation Rent business.

Please note that the role is unpaid but reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed.

For more information, please contact Dan Wilson-Craw 

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