Next Berwick PechaKucha Night

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action

Berwick Creative Guild have taken the decision to cancel the next PechaKucha event (Wednesday 18 March) given the current concerns around the Coronavirus, being mindful of how large groups of people gathering together can spread the virus. We will keep you posted regarding future dates.

The line-up:

  • Sam Douglas, current artist-in-residence at Visual Arts Rural Communities, Tarset, near Kielder.
  • Joanne Coates, documentary photographer, Berwick Visual Arts  artist-in-residence
  • Menelaos Gkartzios, Rural Arts Research Group, Institute for Creative Arts Practice, Newcastle University
  • James Lowther, Berwick Visual Arts
  • Liam Goward, Graphic and Motion Designer, who designed this poster - please pass it on!

Bar open before and after.

Organisers: Bren, Cathy, James, Nick and Tania - for Berwick Creative Guild.


                                     Pecha Kucha

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