Ocean and Environmental Governance – New Website Launched

Fellowship news

  • Environment
  • Fellowship

University of Hull academic Sunil Murlidhar Shastri FRSA has recently launched a website to coincide with the 33rd Anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Sunil firmly believes that an approach based on equity and justice encompassing people, planet and profit would lead to peaceable solutions. The website is intended to be the vehicle for his MasterClass, Education, Training and Consultancy activities through advice, advocacy and action (a fourth strand on arbitration is forthcoming).

Sunil’s rationale is built on his ‘Seven Pillars of Ocean and Environmental Governance’. These are :

  • Science and technology
  • Geopolitical economy
  • Institutions and organisations
  • Legislation and implementation
  • Role of civil society
  • Financial initiatives
  • Education and awareness – a unique approach to this problématique.

Please visit his Website to find out more and share with your neworks. Sunil is open to any feedback and can be contacted here [email protected]

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