PrintFest7 2019: Exhibition of original prints by some of Sweden’s finest Printmakers and Charity Auction

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Continuing the success of PrintFest7, launched in 2018 in partnership with France’s Manifestampe, this year’s PrintFest takes a Nordic twist. Artists from Sweden’s prestigious Algården Workshop and Gallery will be exhibiting at the Kaleidoscope Gallery from May 1st -13th 2019.

PrintFest7 2019 will be holding a Charity Auction of donated prints by exhibiting artists as part of the opening reception. We are supporting the work of Hospital Rooms whose  mission is to bring world class art to mental health hospitals ‘Our vision is for all people in mental health wards to have the freedom to experience extraordinary artworks. We believe in the power of art to provide joy and dignity and to stimulate and heal.’






The exhibition and charity auction will be opened by Sevenoaks Mayor Councillor Roderick Hogarth. Timothy Shaw, founder of Hospital Rooms will be talking about the charity’s work and the impact it has on lives. Come along to Sevenoaks Kaleidoscope Gallery from 1pm-4pm  Saturday May 4th to meet the artists, learn about printmaking techniques such as lithography, etching, screen printing, sample some delicious Smorgasbord and bid for an Original Print by some of the UK’s finest artist printmakers.

The event has been organised by SVAF artist Christina France who was invited to be Artist in Residence at the Algården Workshop in 2015 and has been returning ever since. Christina is a visual artist working with print, She is drawn to the skies, reflections and space in Sweden as well as the Nordic approach to printmaking where non toxic methods prevail.

Talk by Printmakers Hester Cox  and Christina Lindberg at the Sevenoaks Kaleidoscope Gallery.


Thursday May 9th, 6-8pm. No booking required. 

On Thursday May 9th 6-8pm as part of SVAF’s ongoing series of talks, Hester Cox, one of the UK’s foremost Printmakers will be talking about her collographs and her attachment to Sweden’s  Algården Workshop.  Her colourful and richly textured limited-edition collagraph prints reflect her appreciation of the natural landscape and are often inspired by things that she sees whilst out fell running.

Christina Lindberg Sweden’s eminent artist printmaker, author and sculptor will be talking about her work and the history of the  Algården Workshop and Gallery, of which she is director. Christina is also editor of Grafiknytt, Scandinavia’s printmaking journal. Using a wide range of materials and techniques, her elegant use of dry point and colour blocks define the principal of less is more.


Many invited artists including Christina France and Hester Cox have benefitted from Algården’s Artist in Residence programme which Christina oversees.

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  • Really looking forward to coming on Thursday eve and to meet Hester Cox & Christina Lindberg, hear about their work and learn about the Ålgården Workshop.

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