Re-imagine the Future

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Nothing could be more important than finding imaginative new strategies of governance for the 21st century and beyond

This short film, 'Re-imagine the Future' invites people to imagine the social transformation promised by the worldwide emergence of community ownership projects known as 'commons'. The film points the way to forms of social organisation already 'in our midst' but as yet unreflected by mainstream policy, law and governance. 

It does so in a series of clips from interviews filmed at a seminar event, 'Operationalising Green Governance', funded by the Open Society Foundation. Anna Grear, an RSA Fellow, was one of the three scholars behind the event, and will be working on future developments of the core project.

She will be co-editing an anthology of essays, as well as co-convening a follow up event with David Bollier. Anna is Professor of Law and Theory at Cardiff Law School; David Bollier is an independent commons activist, researcher and blogger. Both are passionately committed to social transformation and to finding positive, practical solutions informed by rigorous scholarship and driven by the best of human social intelligence.

For more information, take a look at: and

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