RSA Fellows' Islington Network Update

Fellowship news

At a recent meeting in Islington, local Fellows explored how they could get the most of their Fellowship and what it means to be a Fellow in Islington. Some were happy coming together to make connections 3-4 times a year, others wanted a means of offering skills and finding them, and many want to be a force for good in Islington. So together they put together some specific ideas for 2016...

  • Listening in -  Fellows were challenged to commit to attending a meeting (any meeting) of Islington people that they haven’t attended before, write  300 words about their impressions and post them up on a Forum (to be created) for Islington Fellows. The idea behind this is for Fellows to gain a sense of the different voices in Islington to expand our horizons as a group. If you are interesting in doing this, all you need to do is find a local event, attend it, and share it with the group. 
  • Connecting skills and needs - The creation of a web based means of offering skills and finding them. Many felt a practical means of opening up the vast range of Fellows’ skills to those who could valuably use them was needed, whether these are start-ups, local charities, or other organisations. The group are currently looking at potential options for creating an online space. 
  • Where can we add the most value?  It was identified that one area where Fellows have very significant experience and expertise is in setting up new businesses and social enterprises, so the group could investigate forming a mentoring network for people trying to do just that.  It was suggested that they could target various groups of people within the borough and also that Fellows could work as teams so that they bring a combination of skills to the relationship.  The idea so far is that a member of the network, Annie Hedge FRSA, convenes a small working group to decide how to scope this out,  and pool contacts and ideas about who might help and how. If you are interested in this please email Annie at [email protected]
  • What about housing and inequality?  .One of the issues causing concern was that of housing bought and left empty. There were many anecdotes of this but the group realised they had no idea of the extent or impact. And as there are many Fellows with relevant expertise, it was suggested that a small group gather together local data to gauge this. If you are interested please email Valerie at [email protected] 
  • Personal guides to Islington - This was an idea coming out of the (fabulous) randomised coffee trial and suggested at the meeting. If you know a lot about a particular street or area, or local industry, and would like to offer a short ‘guided walk’ at a time of your choosing, do get in touch with Valerie at [email protected]

The next meeting of the RSA Islington Fellows' Network will be on April 19th - if you live or work in and around Islington, please do come along and get involved. You can sign up here

If you have any other ideas or suggestions, please de get in touch with Valerie Iles, RSA Islington Fellows' Network lead at [email protected]

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