Hong Kong to Helsinki: RSA Global this autumn

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship
  • Global

It's an exciting autumn for RSA Global - over the next month, we will be speaking at a record number of international events on a wide range of topics.

RSA Student Design Awards – Hong Kong

As part of the launch of the 2015/16 RSA Student Design Awards briefs, the programme Director Sevra Davis will be paying her annual visit to long-running partner the Hong Kong Design Institute. Alongside presentations she will be running workshops for prospective students and building on this strong relationship. 

European Forum AlpbachAustria

Natalie Nicholles and RSA Director of Policy and Organisational Change, Anthony Painter, will be running a 3 hour plenary session called 'Unequal State: how inequality blocks creativity and what should be done to achieve radical change.' This will take place at a political symposium at the highly regarded forum in Alpbach. To proke discussion we have invited respected thinkers Faiza Shaheen, Head of Inequality at Save the Children; June O'Sullivan, CEO of London Early Years Foundation; and Adam Lent, European Research Director at the Ashoka Foundation. 

Pictet Entrepreneur Summit  - Switzerland

Matthew Taylor is moderating a two day summit in Geneva hosted by Pictet, a European wealth and asset management organisation. The event is a platform of exchange for entrepreneurs at the crossroads of serial entrepreneurship, personal wealth and social responsibility.  

British Chamber of Commerce et al – Japan

Brokered by our Japanese Fellows, Natalie will be travelling with RSA Director of Research and Innovation, Rowan Conway, to Tokyo, where Rowan will give a speech on Japan's upcoming Olympics within the context of public service innovation. We are using this opportunity to build our networks and meet with other think tanks, businesess and government to share the RSA's work. We will also be running an event for Fellows at the Impact Hub in Tokyo and will spend time with Fellows to find more ways of working together.

RSA Baltic Sea Region Design Week - Finland 

The RSA Global team will be visiting Finnish Fellows as they organise their annual design week. Natalie Nicholles will be giving a keynote speech and on creativity and the Power to Create, as well as meeting with one of this year's SDA sponsors, Fazer. Most importantly, they will be spending time with Fellows to understand how we can grow and stengthen the Fellowship in Finland.  


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