Qatar to Brazil: RSA Global Update

Fellowship news

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  • Global

Over the next two months the RSA will be participating in a number of international events sharing our research and thought leadership on a wide range of topics including Education and Creative Economy.

 At the World Innovation Summit on Education (WISE) in Qatar earlier this week, Joe Hallgarten, Director of Creative Learning and Development, participated in the largest gathering of the global education community. Commissioned by WISE, the RSA partnered with the Innovation Unit to explore how school system leaders can create the conditions for system-wide innovation. 

Joe will also contribute to a seminar entitled: Can better testing and data accelerate creativity in learning and societies at the Salzburg Global Seminar in Austria in December. 

Later on this month, Tom Gilliford, Project Engagement Manager for Creative Learning and Development, will be conducting a workshop on how education systems can support innovation at the 12th Global Education Leaders’ Partnership in New Zealand. 

Natalie Nicholles and Adanna Shallowe will be in New York to award the Benjamin Franklin Medal (US equivalent to the Albert Medal) to this year’s winner – TED’s Chris Anderson. They will conduct a networking event for NYC-based Fellows. Whilst in North America, they will also attend the first Canadian Fellows event in Toronto, Canada. 

Continuing the RSA's global presence, Louise Drake, RSA Project Engagement Manager, will be a judge and panellist at Malaysia’s impact challenge, part of the ASEAN Entrepreneurship Summit. While in Kuala Lumpur, Louise will also meet with RSA Fellows and explore further partnership opportunities. 

In Brazil, Sevra Davis, the RSA Director of Design and Challenges, will be speaking at the UK/Brazil Creative Economy Dialogue on the role of design and innovation in economic, social and cultural development. 

Lastly, the RSA Social Brain Centre Senior Researcher, Nathalie Spencer will be attending a meeting in Brussels to advise on key themes of decision making and financial capability for an upcoming conference which will be held in Brussels in February next year. 


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