RSA Global Update

Fellowship news

This spring the RSA will be in five different countries building partnerships and sharing our thought-leadership to accelerate our impact.

Inclusive growth in Chicago – United States 

(In late April) our Director of Public Services and Communities Charlotte Alldritt presented to Chicago’s city leaders on the RSA’s Inclusive Growth Commission finding, making the case for a transformational change in how we develop policies that benefit everyone.  Accompanied by US Director Alexa Clay the visit was highly successful, resulting in invitations for follow-up conversations and some seed funding to develop a global programme.

 Arts & cultural learning – South Korea

As part of our research project with the British Council which explores arts and culture in schools in South Korea and the UK. RSA Associate Director Mark Londesborough will be taking a delegation of cultural learning policy makers, practitioners and school leaders to learn from their counterparts in South Korea.

 Universal Basic Income – Spain

Jamie Cooke, Head of RSA Scotland, has been invited to share insights about basic income in Scotland at an international conference organised by the University of Barcelona.  Jamie will meet with Spanish Fellows while in Barcelona, in order to share ideas for growing the RSA’s presence and activity in the country, and linking them into wider international Fellowship.

Unlikely Allies – Germany 

Director of Innovation and Development Rowan Conway will participate in the Impact Hub network’s annual event in Berlin.  This will be the 3rd year we’ve participated, further cementing our partnership the fast-growing global Impact Hub network.  Alongside research, we’ve supported the start-up of UK hubs and connected with Impact Hubs in countries where we have Fellows. 

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